
Monday, July 19

How to tackle someone?

My confusion on this verse has engulfed me for quite some time.

"He sends down water from the skies, and the channels flow, each according to its measure: But the torrent bears away to foam that mounts up to the surface. Even so, from that ore which they heat in the fire, to make ornaments or utensils therewith, there is a scum likewise. Thus does Allah (by parables) show forth Truth and Vanity. For the scum disappears like forth cast out; while that which is for the good of mankind remains on the earth, Thus does Allah set forth parables."-ar-Ra'd,17-

I did not really understand exactly the connection between the parables that Allah gave in the verse. Then after referring to Tafsir Ibnu Kathir and some experts explanation, I do understand it!

This noble verse includes two parables which testify that the truth is set to firmness and duration, while falsehood is destined to fainting and vanishing.

'Water from the skies' in reference to rain, 'and the channels flow, each according to its measure' i.e. each valley preserve of water according to its capacity. As there are some vast valleys can retain more water than small valleys that keeps smaller measure of water. This parables implies the fact that hearts vary; as some of them can comprehend substantial knowledge and some can comprehend only a little amount of knowledge or rather are too narrow to acquire it.

How to tackle someone?

As the Malay saying goes,"Rambut sama hitam tapi hati lain-lain". So here Allah gives us a clue on how to tackle someone. Win her heart first then you will get the girl! Tackling that I mentioned here is not something usual like a boy tackled a girl to be in loved with him.

Well, this tackling that I'm trying to convey here is the unusual tackling that is between a daie and her mad'u. Well, same principle is being used here as we need to win their heart first then we will get them to be in loved with Islam. I have to say it will never be an easy task beacuse here comes the DF (Da'wah Fardiah), where it requires us to get personally in touch with our mad'u.'One by One concept'. We need to get involved in her routine, if possible, pleasure yourself to visit her at her place for couple of times weekly.

and do include the visit in your timetable. Thus you will not miss any other important occasions e.g. study group etc. Don't forget to bring snacks or anything fun to enjoy with her.The more comfort they feel,the more closer you become.(^_^)

Sometimes your wisdom words and a warm smile can make them more comfortable to share their stories and most importantly, if they start to share their feelings, then it's a sign of a good kick-start to move to the next DF level.

Bear in mind...different mad'u,different heart,different approach!
So the DF need to be done accordingly.

After all,the topmost crucial task for a daie is to ask from Allah. For Him to give assistance in our da'wah by opening the heart of the mad'u to Islam.

"And He has united their (i.e. believers') hearts. If you had spent all that is in the earth, you could not have united their hearts, but Allah has united them. Certainly, He is All-Mighty, All-Wise."-al-Anfal,63-

Not to forget pray for be a good Muslim,a pious Abid(Servant) and a great Daie(Preacher).

Well,I'm not done with this. There's more fascinating stories to write about this noble verse.

Will be continued....

p/s: For my juniors, this is for you.All the best with the newcomers k!(^_^)
And this is also as a guidance for this high-curious non-muslim girl, Ning,who really interested in Islam. Sis, this post as a reply of what you did asked me before.

Sunday, July 18

The Story Of Mine...

Alhamdulillah..rase cam dah lame tak menulis di sini sejak bertukar hobi ni..(^_^)
Baiklah..untuk menunaikan permintaan kepada pembaca-pembaca yang masih ingin membaca lagi tulisan saya ini...huhu...(^_^)
so, here it goes...


Mama... harus kukatakan, dirimu adalah kebanggaan bagi diriku.
Seorang wanita yang bergelar isteri dan ibu...
yang telah mengharungi pelbagai ujian dan dugaan Allah selama 46 tahun dia hidup...
namun sabar yang menjadi penemannya...
yang tidak pernah sesaat pun mengabaikan amanah yang telah ditaklifkan kepadanya...
yang sentiasa menjengah anak-anaknya di kamar ketika malam berlabuh...
yang masih lagi mampu mengukirkan senyuman di hadapan mereka yang telah melukakan hatinya...
tiada rungutan yang pernah keluar dari mulutnya...
yang sering didengari hanyalah harapan optimis...
yang sering dilihat hanyalah sentuhan kasih sayang untuk anak-anaknya walaupun kadang-kala dirinya dikasari...
hanya kelembutan dalam setiap kata-kata dan perbuatannya...

Ketahuilah ibuku, bahawa sekali-kali diri ini tidak mampu untuk melihat dirimu di dalam kesusahan dan kepayahan lebih-lebih lagi kesakitan.
Sinar matamu,mama...telah menceritakan segala kedukaanmu yang silam.

Maafkan diri ini jika tidak mampu untuk membahagiakan mu.
Namun hati ini tetap sayang dan cinta kepadamu wahai ibuku.

Kaulah ibu terbaik yang dikirimkan Allah buat diriku.

Mama,kebaikan untuk dirimu di dunia dan di akhirat sentiasa mendapat ruang dalam doaku.

Ku mohon ya Allah,berkatilah usia ibuku. Kau tempatkanlah ibuku bersama golongan yang mendapat rahmat dan kurniaMu atas berkat kesabarannya.Amin ya Allah.

Semoga Mama sentiasa di bawah lindungan dan pertolonganNya.

Selamat Hari Lahir Mama....

Angah SAYANG Mama!!!(^_^)


Wow...sangat hebat! Bukan result yang hebat,tapi ujian yang Allah kirimkan tu sangat-sangat hebat! Astaghfirullah...

Untuk beberapa hari selepas tu, memang rase macam tak hidup. Buat la apa sekalipun... even driving,cooking,watching...jasad je yang ada kat situ tapi fikiran melayang entah ke mana...Wah..tak pernah rasa macam ni sebelum ni...

Sakit..sakit sangat...berat sangat ujian kali ni dirasakan. Dengan keadaan seperti itu jelas sekali aku tak redha dengan ketentuanNya kerana diri terasa dah sehabis pulun untuk final exam hari tu. (Ish..ish..Jahatnya aku berfikiran sebegitu. Adoyai,terlupa sebentar siapa kita untuk menilai usaha kita itu...)

My life was miserable for those few days..and me, of course an ungrateful servant!

I was still in misery...till one night....

One night that has opened my eyes to realise my great mistake...

One night that makes me changed what I've asked from God...

One night that really makes myself clearer on the path that I've taken...

One night that makes everything what has happened is such a precious moment for me..

One night that makes me very grateful to have my family and friends...

One night that makes me smile for what had been written by Allah...

One night that prepares me to face any circumstances in future...

One night...only Allah and me know!

After that night onwards...I did good!

To tell you the truth...

Now...I'm just perfectly fine...(^_^)


Wah..Germanku dikalahkan..pasukan pilihan nampaknya tak dapat masuk final untuk merebut FIFA World Cup!Tak pa..Tak pa...
Nampaknya German senasib dengan aku untuk tahun ini. Namun itu takkan sekali-kali mematahkan semangat aku dan German untuk berjuang for the next time. Chayyok!!!

Nway it's not the end of the world!(^_^)

Ok guys...

Jatuh sekali takkan bermakna jatuh selamanya.

Kegagalan kali ini bakal menjadi satu motivasi untuk menempa kejayaan yang lebih besar pada masa akan datang.

Yakinlah akan hikmah pada setiap qada' dan qadar Allah.

Mungkin bukan sekarang untuk Allah menampakkan hikmahNya.

Mungkin satu masa nanti...yakinlah hari itu pasti akan ada untuk kita berada di atas sekali lagi coz hidup kita ni kan umpama roda.Setuju?
Maka buktikanlah kita masih boleh berputar ke atas lagi.

Which means Germany akan mengungguli World Cup 2014 nanti...hehe..(^_^)
Maaf penyokong Spain, this time is yours...but for the next time, let Allah decides...

So, at the moment,Germany and I will take a close review on our weaknesses and need to polish more on our skills for a better improvement in future...and definitely to succeed in our respective careers!

Juz wait n see...(^_^)

Besides, Allah akan uji mengikut kemampuan hambaNya.
So believe it! We can handle this!!!(^_^)

Dan yakinlah Allah dah ada perancangan yang terbaik untuk kita!
Jadikan sabar dan redha sebagai peneman....(^_^)

"Sesungguhnya Allah memiliki kekuasaan langit dan bumi. Dia menghidupkan dan mematikan. Tidak ada pelindung dan penolong bagimu selain Allah." -at-Taubah,116-

p/s : Maaf yea bagi sesiapa yang tercari-cari kelibat saya dalam dunia siber, saya dah jarang online..almaklumlah desakan kerja sebagai domestic engineer aka surirumah n driver at a time menghalang saya untuk kembali aktif seperti sebelum ini.(^_^)
Plus saya dah bertukar ke Millat Facebook.

Saturday, July 17

Apa yang kurasa?




Tiada kata yang mampu menzahirkan perasaan dan rasa hatiku tika ini.




Begitu halus hikmah ujian yang ingin Allah sampaikan.




Maha Adil Allah yang telah meletakkan aku dalam ujian ini.




Tiada ketakutan melainkan hanya kepadaNya.




Maha Suci Allah yang Maha Mengetahui segalanya.(^_^)