This life is a journey...
Not a real destiny...
We live for a purpose...
Though temporary...
Monday, September 28
Thursday, September 17
"Angah...jage biskut ni taw klu terlebih bakar angah yg kena makan!"
(suara mama memberi arahan)
"Angah...depan rumah tak abis cat lagi,esok boleh la sambung!"
(suara ayah pula menyambung)
"Angah...sebelum pasang langsir,make sure seterika dulu taw jangan bagi komot!"
(suara kak long pula kedengaran)
"Angah...jangan lupa sediakan duet raya ntok Dik Ya taw.Dik Ya pose penuh tahun ni!" (suara si kecik yg sentiasa mengingatkan)
Mentang-mentanglah hanya diri ini je yang tinggal kat umah sekarang ni..habis dibuli...huhuh...awat la skola bese x cuti same ngn kolej kami least berat sama dipikul,ringan sama dijinjing ngan adik beradik yg lain...
RAYA...camnelah kami nk hilangkan mode raya ni klu sentiasa dikelilingi ngan raya stuff ni...hai kakakku,tahulah hang dah nak bertunang,tapi xyah la sampai nak mengecat satu rumah...diri ni pown for sure terkena tempiasnyer that is kne tolong cat sekali...banyaknyer kerja sampingan datang bila raya menjelma...dan banyak la juga duit yg 'terkeluar' untuk perayaan ni...
hua3....ANGAH X NAK RAYE!!!!
tapi sebenarnyer jauh di sudut hatiku,aku tak nak raya coz aku tak nak Ramadhan meninggalkan diriku..rasenyer sangat sekejap aku dapat bersama dengan bulan yg penuh berkat ini...
Bulan yg dijadikan sebagai madrasah tarbiyah bg seluruh muslimin...memang benar,setiap apa jua kejadian yg berlaku dalam rentetan hidupku sepanjang Ramadhan ini benar2 merupakan tarbiyah dari Allah buat hambaNya ini...dalam bulan ni,syaitan dibelenggu dengan kata lain syaitan sengsara kerana umat Islam terpaksa menahan kebanyakan daripada nafsu mereka sepanjang bulan ini...
aku akan sentiasa merindui bulan ini...bulan panas yg didalamnya terdapat satu malam yg lebih baik dr seribu bulan...malam al-qadr...
Ramadhan masih belum tamat...jangan berhenti mengejar lailatulqadr itu...(^_^)
hargailah setiap detik yg tinggal buat kita dalam bulan ini dengan beribadah kepada Allah...
p/s : Sebelum sempat aku menamatkan post ini,kedengaran suara mama..."Angah...dah tido belum?esok awak tu nak drive pagi-pagi ke alor gajah amek baju raya yang kita tempah dulu...dh tu,g tido!"
(suara mama memberi arahan)
"Angah...depan rumah tak abis cat lagi,esok boleh la sambung!"
(suara ayah pula menyambung)
"Angah...sebelum pasang langsir,make sure seterika dulu taw jangan bagi komot!"
(suara kak long pula kedengaran)
"Angah...jangan lupa sediakan duet raya ntok Dik Ya taw.Dik Ya pose penuh tahun ni!" (suara si kecik yg sentiasa mengingatkan)
Mentang-mentanglah hanya diri ini je yang tinggal kat umah sekarang ni..habis dibuli...huhuh...awat la skola bese x cuti same ngn kolej kami least berat sama dipikul,ringan sama dijinjing ngan adik beradik yg lain...
RAYA...camnelah kami nk hilangkan mode raya ni klu sentiasa dikelilingi ngan raya stuff ni...hai kakakku,tahulah hang dah nak bertunang,tapi xyah la sampai nak mengecat satu rumah...diri ni pown for sure terkena tempiasnyer that is kne tolong cat sekali...banyaknyer kerja sampingan datang bila raya menjelma...dan banyak la juga duit yg 'terkeluar' untuk perayaan ni...
hua3....ANGAH X NAK RAYE!!!!
tapi sebenarnyer jauh di sudut hatiku,aku tak nak raya coz aku tak nak Ramadhan meninggalkan diriku..rasenyer sangat sekejap aku dapat bersama dengan bulan yg penuh berkat ini...
Bulan yg dijadikan sebagai madrasah tarbiyah bg seluruh muslimin...memang benar,setiap apa jua kejadian yg berlaku dalam rentetan hidupku sepanjang Ramadhan ini benar2 merupakan tarbiyah dari Allah buat hambaNya ini...dalam bulan ni,syaitan dibelenggu dengan kata lain syaitan sengsara kerana umat Islam terpaksa menahan kebanyakan daripada nafsu mereka sepanjang bulan ini...
aku akan sentiasa merindui bulan ini...bulan panas yg didalamnya terdapat satu malam yg lebih baik dr seribu bulan...malam al-qadr...
Ramadhan masih belum tamat...jangan berhenti mengejar lailatulqadr itu...(^_^)
hargailah setiap detik yg tinggal buat kita dalam bulan ini dengan beribadah kepada Allah...
p/s : Sebelum sempat aku menamatkan post ini,kedengaran suara mama..."Angah...dah tido belum?esok awak tu nak drive pagi-pagi ke alor gajah amek baju raya yang kita tempah dulu...dh tu,g tido!"
Sunday, September 13
Akibat Tidak Bersalam Dengan Mat Salleh...
Last Thursday...during my mentor-mentee session,we got the result for our mock interview which was held two weeks before.My mentor read each of her mentees' description in front of class before distributing it to us.
Of course..I was quite nervous at that time as this marks will be taken into a consideration for our placement...
I had butterflies in my stomach...
ops!not anymore...I had elephants in my stomach!!!
Teacher Mazlina stepped towards my table and handed in the result....
Surprisingly.....I GOT B- for that mock interview...
but that was not the case of getting me in a great surprise...
there was something...beside the space of 'B-' on the result sheet...
there was a statement which stated...."B+ IF HANDSHAKING IS NOT AN ISSUE!"
Wow...this is the effect of not shaking hands with the white man!
Is it a good @ bad effect?
Please determine it based on ur faith...
I was totally down on that day....
Do you know why?
Did I regret...why can't I just shake hand with that English men before?
then of course I'll get the B+ right?

I was extremely sad + upset + disappointed + dismal + in grief + gloomy etc
b'coz Islam hasn't achieved its Ustaziyatul Alam yet...
Where are Muslims today?
Or should I call people who hold the title of 'Muslim'?
Come on guys!!!
Wake up from ur world of fantasy!!!
We live for die...
Our eternal life is the life of hereafter...
We're not going to live in this fake world's just temporary...
Allah borrowed us this life for a test...
We need to be Muslims who uphold Islam wherever and whenever we go...
no matter in what situation let Islam be the first...
Don't let ourselves portray the bad image which will then make people think and have bad perception on Islam....

The words of Allah in Surah al-Hajj,verse 78 :
"And strive hard in Allah's Cause as you ought to strive.He has chosen you(to convey His Message of Islamic Monotheism to mankind by inviting them to His religion,Islam) and has not laid upon you in religion any hardship,it is the religion of you father Abraham (Islamic Monotheism).It is He (Allah) Who has named you MUSLIMS BOTH BEFORE AND IN THIS,that the Messenger of Allah(MUHAMMAD)may be a witness over you and you be witnesses over mankind!So perform as-solat,give zakat and hold fast to Allah. He is your MAULA and what an EXCELLENT HELPER!"
Of course..I was quite nervous at that time as this marks will be taken into a consideration for our placement...
I had butterflies in my stomach...
ops!not anymore...I had elephants in my stomach!!!
Teacher Mazlina stepped towards my table and handed in the result....
Surprisingly.....I GOT B- for that mock interview...
but that was not the case of getting me in a great surprise...
there was something...beside the space of 'B-' on the result sheet...
there was a statement which stated...."B+ IF HANDSHAKING IS NOT AN ISSUE!"
Wow...this is the effect of not shaking hands with the white man!
Is it a good @ bad effect?
Please determine it based on ur faith...
I was totally down on that day....
Do you know why?
Did I regret...why can't I just shake hand with that English men before?
then of course I'll get the B+ right?

I was extremely sad + upset + disappointed + dismal + in grief + gloomy etc
b'coz Islam hasn't achieved its Ustaziyatul Alam yet...
Where are Muslims today?
Or should I call people who hold the title of 'Muslim'?
Come on guys!!!
Wake up from ur world of fantasy!!!
We live for die...
Our eternal life is the life of hereafter...
We're not going to live in this fake world's just temporary...
Allah borrowed us this life for a test...
We need to be Muslims who uphold Islam wherever and whenever we go...
no matter in what situation let Islam be the first...
Don't let ourselves portray the bad image which will then make people think and have bad perception on Islam....

The words of Allah in Surah al-Hajj,verse 78 :
"And strive hard in Allah's Cause as you ought to strive.He has chosen you(to convey His Message of Islamic Monotheism to mankind by inviting them to His religion,Islam) and has not laid upon you in religion any hardship,it is the religion of you father Abraham (Islamic Monotheism).It is He (Allah) Who has named you MUSLIMS BOTH BEFORE AND IN THIS,that the Messenger of Allah(MUHAMMAD)may be a witness over you and you be witnesses over mankind!So perform as-solat,give zakat and hold fast to Allah. He is your MAULA and what an EXCELLENT HELPER!"
Wednesday, September 9
Aku Ingin Mencintai Mu...
Tuhan betapa aku malu
Atas semua yang Kau beri
Padahal diriku terlalu sering membuatMU kecewa
Entah mungkin kerna ku terlena
Sementara Engkau beri aku kesempatan berulang kali
Agar aku kembali
Dalam fitrahku sebagai manusia
Untuk menghambakan diri padaMU
Betapa tak ada apa-apanya aku dihadapanMU
Aku ingin mencintaiMU setulusnya,
Sebenar-benar aku cinta
Dalam doa
Dalam ucapan
Dalam setiap langkahku
Aku ingin mendekatiMU selamanya
Sehina apapun diriku
Kuberharap untuk bertemu denganMU ya Rabbi
Atas semua yang Kau beri
Padahal diriku terlalu sering membuatMU kecewa
Entah mungkin kerna ku terlena
Sementara Engkau beri aku kesempatan berulang kali
Agar aku kembali
Dalam fitrahku sebagai manusia
Untuk menghambakan diri padaMU
Betapa tak ada apa-apanya aku dihadapanMU
Aku ingin mencintaiMU setulusnya,
Sebenar-benar aku cinta
Dalam doa
Dalam ucapan
Dalam setiap langkahku
Aku ingin mendekatiMU selamanya
Sehina apapun diriku
Kuberharap untuk bertemu denganMU ya Rabbi
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